‹Programming› 2018
Mon 9 - Thu 12 April 2018 Nice, France

Today’s IT systems are often distributed and heterogeneous. Therefore, many (functional and non-functional) system requirements must be implemented across different layers of the system stack. This workshop is interested in experiences from implementing such systems and methods or tools for their development and support.

Accepted Papers

Applying Aspect-Oriented Change Realization in the Mobile Application Domain
Detecting energy bugs and hotspots in control software using model checking
Managing Hybrid Memories by Predicting Object Write Intensity
Towards Safe Modular Composition of Network Functions

Call for Contributions

The landscape of computation platforms has changed dramatically in recent years. Emerging systems - such as wearable devices, smartphones, unmanned aerial vehicles, Internet of things, cloud computing servers, heterogeneous clusters, and data centers - pose a distinct set of system-oriented challenges ranging from data throughput, energy efficiency, security, real-time guarantees, to high performance. In the meantime, code quality, such as modularity or extensibility, remains a cornerstone in modern software engineering, bringing in crucial benefits such as modular reasoning, program understanding, and collaborative software development. Current methodologies and software development technologies should be revised in order to produce software to meet system-oriented goals, while preserving high internal code quality. The role of the Software Engineer is essential, having to be aware of the implications that each design, architecture and implementation decision has on the application-system ecosystem.

This workshop is driven by one fundamental question: How does internal code quality interact with system-oriented goals? We welcome both positive and negative responses to this question. An example of the former would be modular reasoning systems specifically designed to promote system-oriented goals, whereas an example of the latter would be anti-patterns against system-oriented goals during software development.

Topics of Interest

Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Energy-aware software engineering (e.g. energy efficiency models, energy efficiency as a quality attribute)
  • Modularity support (e.g., programming language design, development tools or verification) for applications in resource-constrained or real-time systems
  • Emerging platforms (e.g., Internet of Things and wearable devices)
  • Security support (e.g., compositional information flow, compositional program analysis)
  • Software architecture for reusability and adaptability in systems and their interactions with applications
  • Empirical studies (patterns and anti-patterns) on the relationship between internal code quality and system-oriented goals
  • Software engineering techniques to balance the trade-off between internal code quality and efficiency
  • Memory bloats and long-tail performance problems across modular boundaries
  • Program optimization across modular boundaries
  • Internal code quality in systems software
  • Reasoning across applications, compilers, and virtual machines

Invited Talks

Next to the presentation of accepted papers, ensuing discussions and breakout groups, the PASS’18 Workshop will feature inspiring invited talks. Accepted speakers so far:

  • Christa Lopes, University of California Irvine, USA. Title and abstract to be announced
  • Ludovic Henrio, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France. Title and abstract to be announced

Call for Papers

PASS is designed to stimulate interactions and debates in an informal environment. We welcome papers that identify new problems or report work in progress. A good PASS submission should be interesting, concrete, and clear. It does not need to describe a complete solution. Specifically, PASS accepts both regular papers and position papers. Regular papers must not exceed 6 pages in length (including all references and appendixes), and short papers must not exceed 2 pages in length.


Submissions should use the ACM SIGPLAN Conference acmart Format with ‘sigplan’ Subformat, 10 point font, using the font family Times New Roman. All submissions should be in PDF format. If you use LaTeX or Word, please use the provided ACM SIGPLAN acmart Templates provided here. Otherwise, follow the author instructions.

If you are formatting your paper using LaTeX, you will need to set the 10pt option in the \documentclass command. If you are formatting your paper using Word, you may wish to use the provided Word template that supports this font size. Please include page numbers in your submission with the LaTeX \settopmatter{printfolios=true} command. Please also ensure that your submission is legible when printed on a black and white printer. In particular, please check that colors remain distinct and font sizes are legible.

Concurrent Submissions

Papers must describe unpublished work that is not currently submitted for publication elsewhere as described by SIGPLAN’s Republication Policy. Submitters should also be aware of ACM’s Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism.

Call for Posters

We also aim for soliciting posters to be presented at the workshop. There will be one session dedicated to poster presentations. All accepted posters will be presented in a short pitch. Afterwards the posters will be displayed and workshop participants will get the opportunity to discuss the posters in detail with the authors.


For posters an extended abstract of at most one page should be submitted. Please use the same format as specified under the call for papers.

Submission Link

Submissions (papers and posters) must be made through Easychair.

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14:30 - 16:00
PASS 1PASS at Matisse
Day opening
Yu David Liu State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton, Lukasz Ziarek SUNY Buffalo, USA, Christoph Bockisch Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hidehiko Masuhara Tokyo Institute of Technology
SafePlace: Trustable Virtual Machine Scheduling (invited talk)PASS Invited Talk
Managing Hybrid Memories by Predicting Object Write Intensity
Shoaib Akram Ghent University, Kathryn S McKinley Google, Jennifer B. Sartor Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Lieven Eeckhout Ghent University, Belgium
16:30 - 18:00
PASS 2PASS at Matisse
Towards Safe Modular Composition of Network Functions
Matthias Eichholz , Guido Salvaneschi TU Darmstadt, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt
Applying Aspect-Oriented Change Realization in the Mobile Application Domain
Sandra Kostova Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, Valentino Vranić Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Detecting energy bugs and hotspots in control software using model checking
Pascal van Gastel Avans University of Applied Sciences, Bernard van Gastel Open University of the Netherlands, The Netherlands, Marko van Eekelen Open University of the Netherlands
Day closing
Discussion & closing
Yu David Liu State University of New York (SUNY) Binghamton, Lukasz Ziarek SUNY Buffalo, USA, Christoph Bockisch Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hidehiko Masuhara Tokyo Institute of Technology