Workshops‹Programming› 2018
Call for Workshop Proposals
The International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming is a new conference focused on everything that has to do with programming. As such, it attracts participants interested in engineering techniques and tools that facilitate the development of executable applications (abstraction, modularity, visual and lively languages, coding tools, debugging tools, modeling tools and techniques, programming by example, specialized languages, dynamic techniques, static techniques, proof technology, testing technology, acceptability techniques, errors, security, distributed and parallel computing languages, probabilistic programming languages, user interfaces, user studies, productivity and methodologies in practice, etc.), the science of programming (programming models, machine-learning for programming, individual and team methodology, productivity and effectiveness, conceptual discovery using code repositories (for example), automatic programming, error handling and tolerance, probabilistic programming, etc.), but also the art of programming (aesthetics, coding style, programming for exploration and discovery, novelty seeking programs, programming in the arts and humanities, etc.).
To strengthen the community and to foster an environment for the exchange of ideas and experiences related to practical software development, <Programming> will host workshops, during the days before the main conference. The workshops will provide a collaborative forum for a group of typically 15 to 30 participants to exchange recent and/or preliminary results, to conduct intensive discussions on a particular topic, or to coordinate efforts between representatives of a technical community. They are intended as a forum for lively discussion of innovative ideas, recent progress, or practical experience on programming and applied software development in general for specific aspects, specific problems, or domain-specific needs. We also encourage practical, hands-on workshops in which participants actually experience one or several aspects of practical software development.
We encourage prospective workshop organizers to submit proposals according to the guidelines outlined below. Each workshop should provide a balanced distribution of its time for both presentation of papers (favoring the attendance of young researchers), discussions and/or gaining practical experience in programming-related activities. The duration of workshops is in general one day, but we encourage the submission of half-day workshop proposals on focussed topics as well. In exceptional situations, e.g., for workshops that involve actual practice of programming-related activities, workshop organizers can request a 2 day workshop slot. If desired, the workshop proceedings can be published in the ACM Digital Library, either as pre- or post-proceedings, but will appear in a single companion publication after the conference.
Workshop Selection Committee
Jennifer B. Sartor (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Stefan Marr (University of Kent, UK)
Important Dates
Proposal Deadline: October 1st, 2017
Acceptance Notification: October 9th, 2017
Submission Process
Please submit your workshop proposal electronically in PDF via Please ensure that you adhere to the workshop proposal guidelines given below providing all requested information about the proposed workshop using at most two pages using 10 point font (brief is good!). Note, basic data is requested as part of the submission form. Please add in addition a draft of your planned Call for Papers to the proposal (not included in the page limit).
To coordinate with the deadlines of the main conference, the following deadlines have to be respected by workshops:
Workshop web site and CFP: not later than October 16th, 2017
Deadline for submissions to the workshops:
- after December 7th 2016 (final notification issue 1)
- ideally after February 1st 2017 (first notification issue 2), if this is feasible
Notification of authors: TBD (around February 17th, before early registration deadline around March 6th 2018)
Deadline for Camera-Ready Papers (ACM DL):
- for pre-proceedings around March 1st
- for post-proceedings around May 7th
Workshop dates: April 9th or 10th 2017
Workshop Proposal Guidelines
Please include the following information either directly in the proposal, or CFP. CFPs often cover the same information, duplication is not necessary for such cases.
- Workshop title
- Organizers and primary contact (name / affiliation / email)
- Abstract
- Motivation
- Objectives
- Intended audience
- Relevance (with respect to the topics of the <Programming> conference)
- Organization
- Details on the organizers (previous workshop organizing experience, etc.)
- Workshop program committee (indicated as finalized or expected)
- Data on potential previous iterations of the workshop
- How many participants do you expect (please make at least an educated guess)
- What kind of equipment do you need (e.g., data projector, computer, whiteboard)
- Advertisement: Planed advertisement strategy to ensure sufficient participation
- Workshop format
- Planned deadlines
- Intended paper format
- Evaluation process
- Intended publication of accepted papers (printed proceedings or website)
- either as pre or post proceedings
- Intended workshop format (including duration, number of presentations, and planned keynotes)
Notes on Proceedings
Workshops that wish to have their proceedings published in the ACM DL will have the opportunity to have either a pre or post proceedings. However, chairs will be responsible for collecting and verifying final copies, including PDFs and their source files, as well as paper metadata, in a format required by the publisher. The deadlines mentioned above are strict and we won’t be able to extend them. Please consider them carefully when determining your deadlines for the workshop.