‹Programming› 2018
Mon 9 - Thu 12 April 2018 Nice, France
Mon 9 Apr 2018 11:00 - 12:30 at Matisse - CoCoDo pre-lunch

JastAdd is a metacompiler based on attribute grammars. By using attribute grammars and static aspect-oriented programming, JastAdd enables designing modular compilers that are easy to extend with new language and analysis features. JastAdd has been used to build industrial strength compilers for languages like Java and Modelica.

In the JastAdd workshop we will give you hands-on experience with a small compiler for a minimal C-like language. We will demonstrate how to extend the language with new operators and other features.

Mon 9 Apr

Displayed time zone: Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna change

11:00 - 12:30
CoCoDo pre-lunchCoCoDo at Matisse
Jesper Oqvist Lund University