‹Programming› 2018 (series) / Joe Edelman

Registered user since Mon 19 Mar 2018
Name:Joe Edelman
I believe the current political moment demands a change in the way human systems (social networks, political systems, organizations) are designed; and making this change means having a clearer understanding of people (and of how they live and cooperate).
In tech, I was lucky to learn from people like Alan Kay, Terry Winograd, and Bill Verplank at Interval Research, from Casey Fenton at CouchSurfing (where I developed the metrics which guided the company), from Howie Shrobe and Marvin Minksy at MIT. And more recently through conversations with Bret Victor and Rob Ochshorn.
My direct philosophocal antecedents are Amartya Sen, Charles Taylor, David Velleman, and Ruth Chang.
Personal website: http://nxhx.org/
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